Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Video: Muslims Say No To Violence, Terrorism & Bin Laden

CAIR Representative Ahmed Bedier and Arab-American author Samar Jarrah appear live on FOX 13 to discuss the results of a recent Pew Global Attitudes report that found support for violence in Muslim countries has declined. Bedier repeated condemnations of violent extremist actions as not Islamic.

Note: Bedier and Jarrah are co-hosts of "True Talk" a weekly Tampa-based radio show on WMNF 88.5 FM.

PART 1 OF 2:

PART 2 OF 2:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can not speak intelligently on Iraq as I'm not sure how reliable my sources would be. However, as far as Israel/Palestine goes, I can say that there are both Jews and Palestinians who want peace. By having your show, and letting not only voices of Muslims be heard, but also those of Jews who oppose violence, your argument is credible and your work laudable. What people here need to understand is we cannot confuse the Jewish people with the Israeli government. Having lived under a communist regime myself, and seeing that most of us rejected it, I can advise your listeners to be careful not to confuse the wish of a government to that of the people - Jewish or Palestinian. The truth is, most people want peace, Palestinian and Jewish alike. Work with the Jewish organizations who are willing to work with you to achieve that peace. I am not Jewish or Muslim or Arab. I was brought up Christian, and I can tell you that everyone wants the atrocities in the Holy Land to stop. Peace!